Services - Fascinnovation
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Our services are designed to innovate, inspire, and create the experience that will connect you with your team and generate the high performance results you desire. We have a range of solutions ready to go from our catalog or we can customize an experience specific to your situation.


Leveraging the messages for his book, Motorcycle Metaphor Leadership Lessons for Progressive Organizations, Michael takes the audience on a journey of connecting to who you are as a leader and the impact you can have on your teams.

  • Understanding your impact on others and how to leverage it
  • Connecting to your drive and passion to fuel your team
  • Inspiring teams through vulnerability


Leadership and Communication

Using a combination of activating talk, experiential exercises, and small group interactions, Michael delivers interactive sessions working through diverse leadership and communication concepts

 Custom 4-Step Process


When was the last time someone really listened to you? The first step is to listen to understand.


Innovation is about creating new practices and proven techniques while integrating and honouring client cultures and systems.


Individuals stop resisting and feel safe to change when they are inspired by the the right environment and the right timing.


Experiencing success enables people to embrace change and creates lasting adoption of new strategies and tactics.


Life Sciences – Salesforce Effectiveness

All workshop content is relevant to each participant’s reality and supported by experiential learning activities. Sessions are designed to create an environment where success is experienced.


One-on-One coaching elevates current and future leaders to the next level. Help your team connect to their internal fire and unleash the potential they were meant to have.



You get up in the morning with your engine fired up. Your feet hit the floor, and things start happening. You have drive and purpose that keeps you excited. When you get to the office and look at your team around you, you don’t see that same drive, that same passion. Your team doesn’t have that same engagement that you feel. Develop yourself into a high impact leader where your team connects to your drive.