Team - Fascinnovation
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The Innovative Team Behind Fascinnovation

Bringing Teams and Leaders Together to Improve the Effectiveness of Their Groups.

Michael Wallace is the President of Fascinnovation Inc., providing strategies and people skills for progressive organizations. He is a highly effective speaker, facilitator and author of the book Motorcycle Metaphor: Leadership Lessons for the Progressive Organization.

Michael has consulted for and spoken to some of North America’s largest organizations, including: Pratt & Whitney, Novartis, CN Rail, Phillips and many more.


Michael uses 20 years of professional experience and a very engaging personal style to bring business leaders and teams together to reach their common objective. His interactive and experiential programs are highly sought after and have been very successful in improving how people work as a group.


His core beliefs are: 1) Success is a great motivator. 2) Success can’t be taught. 3) Success needs to be experienced.


Michael works with clients throughout North America, but calls Montreal, Canada his home base, where he makes the most of his time connecting with his teenage daughters, enjoying the Laurentian Ski Hills and motoring the long & winding roads on his Harley Davidson. He is fluent in English and French, a graduate of the University of New Brunswick, and a certified coach with the Coaches Training Institute.