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Want to learn more about your leadership impact? Download this free tool.

What does “Fascinnovation” mean?

“Fascinnovation” combines two crucial areas of our brain: Our focus when fascinated by an idea or concept, and our excitement when introduced to something new or innovative. Combine fascination and innovation and you create “Fascinnovation”, an environment in which change occurs.


That’s how we approach working with your business. We spark your team’s interest in a specific goal, then provide original, robust, and practical methods to move towards it. We create a different learning environment and we set a different tone for teaching, and then we provide different tools customized for your team to use as they move forward. Our goal is to enable the change you want to happen. Pretty big promises. But ‘Big’ is how we roll


Are you pressing the accelerator and brakes?


We’re an innovative learning and consulting company that teaches through experiences. Our process, like our name, combines two crucial areas: Isolating your core business objectives, and isolating the obstacles you put in your own way that block you from reaching them. It’s essential to address both of those pillars to move forward; if not, it’s like pressing on the accelerator and brakes at the same time.

Custom 4-Step Process


Our services are designed to innovate, inspire, and create the experience that will connect you with your team and generate the high performance results you desire. We have a range of solutions ready to go from our catalog or we can customize an experience specific to your situation.







Who is Michael Wallace


Michael Wallace is the President of Fascinnovation Inc., providing strategies and people skills for progressive organizations. He is a highly effective speaker, facilitator and author of the book Motorcycle Metaphor: Leadership Lessons for the Progressive Organization.


Michael has consulted for and spoken to some of North America’s largest organizations, including: Pratt & Whitney, Novartis, CN Rail, Phillips and many more.


You get up in the morning with your engine fired up. Your feet hit the floor, and things start happening. You have drive and purpose that keeps you excited. When you get to the office and look at your team around you, you don’t see that same drive, that same passion. Your team doesn’t have that same engagement that you feel. Develop yourself into a high impact leader where your team connects to your drive.  Read more